Thursday, April 17, 2008

Max's new toy

(I wish I had gotten the shot with his eyes open. It was so funny!)

I don't know how many of you know this, but Morgan's alternate ego consists of interior decoratoring. If med school doesn't work out, he will always have a designer talent to fall back on. Which brings me to my Max story. This winter Morgan just had to have these ridiculously overpriced pillows to go with our new bedspread. Low and behold, they are now Max's new favorite toy. He loves to either throw them all over the room (typically right after I have made the bed) or gather them all together in the middle of the bed and hide in them. Mind you, he's potty training and this is not the place I want to find an accident. Nonetheless, he is adorable when he does it and thinks he is hilarious when he yells "SUPISE!." So, the pillows may need to go into storage. Sorry Morgan.


mk said...

OH, he is so darn cute!! Can't wait to see you guys. love/mom

Jenn said...

Linds- that is awesome. How cute is he. I love that he is naked boy. Codye gets so mad when he finds out that I let kate have a bare bum. I'm like, Hello! It's a lewis girls thing. Get used to it!
I've decided that my blog is my personal journal- that seems to be where all my cute kidisms end up. So, if I can get a pix to go with the story, bonus. I think you do a great job doing that! Keep it up.

mk said...

Little Lucy or Genius George looks SO cute. It is so fun to think about a new baby. What a great blessing. We are so excited to see you soon and to have you here for a while. Thanks for your support! LOVE the picture. Can't wait to find out.....

Evensen Family said...

Congratulations on the baby! That is so exciting. When is your due date? Also are you going up to Utah sometime this summer? If so we should get together for lunch.