Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Happy Birthday Maximus!


mk said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIGHTY MAXIMUS!!! We sure to love you. Have a fun party! love/gramma

Liz said...

happy birthday max!! i'm so glad he grew into his head. just kidding, he is very cute!!

Norton Family said...

"I'm glad he grew into his head???" Liz you crack me up!!!
Spencer said how cute those baby pix of Max were. He really is and you're so lucky to have a little boy. He's not a baby anymore he's a TODDLER!!!!! it's sad when they grow out of their baby faces but the world is opened up to them and you get to witness it for the first time with them. Don't you just LOVE being a mom??!!!
Happy birthday little guy!

Criscell said...

What a handsome little 2 year old! Happy Birthday Max!

Jenn said...

This was so clever! I love that you did this! I can't believe how chubby he was! He's so handsome, Linds. Way to go!