Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Catching some zzzz's


mk said...

Sleep looks so good!! He looks cute in his alligator jamas!! Glad to see that you get to relax once in a while. See you soon!! love/mom

Jenn said...

ok. the pic of you with max- I'm like, WHERE DID HER HAIR GO! I was instantly bummed. Until I took a closer look and found the tail. You guys are adorable.

Norton Family said...

You are totally faking!!! you are not really asleep are you?? and where are you G's!!! i know it's hot in AZ but come on..if i have to wear them in 100% humitity then you have to wear them in 110 degrees. (ha!) way cute pix of little max and i love your hair too it's beautiful!