Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sweet 'do

Catching some zzzz's

S'more, please

The other night we made tin foil dinners on the grill and afterwards we had smores. Max was definitely digging the marshmallows, but we couldn't get him to try the chocolate. I thought it was fun at the time, but now he goes around saying "Marsmollow, marsmollow" all day. Yea, I wonder where he gets his sweet tooth from??

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Buzz Whiteyear!

"To dididity an yeond!"

Playing with dad

I honestly don't go an hour without hearing Max yelling "Dad? Come here, dad!" When did I become the boring parent? These past few days since Max hasn't been feeling too well, it's been hard having Morgan gone so much because he just wants his daddy. But, the time they get together is great, and he couldn't love Morgan more. It's fun seeing how much he already looks up to him so much.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Max's new toy

(I wish I had gotten the shot with his eyes open. It was so funny!)

I don't know how many of you know this, but Morgan's alternate ego consists of interior decoratoring. If med school doesn't work out, he will always have a designer talent to fall back on. Which brings me to my Max story. This winter Morgan just had to have these ridiculously overpriced pillows to go with our new bedspread. Low and behold, they are now Max's new favorite toy. He loves to either throw them all over the room (typically right after I have made the bed) or gather them all together in the middle of the bed and hide in them. Mind you, he's potty training and this is not the place I want to find an accident. Nonetheless, he is adorable when he does it and thinks he is hilarious when he yells "SUPISE!." So, the pillows may need to go into storage. Sorry Morgan.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I'm a mean mom

Take this test!
So you might not be a psychiatrist...and you most definitely haven't switched bodies with your kids (right?), but when it comes to parenting, you've got a lot in common with hardworking Tess Coleman. You're passionate and driven about your family and your career, and you do everything in your power to make sure that your family has it all.

Even when you're juggling a million responsibilities, you take most things you do very seriously. But you can certainly find that kid inside and cut loose when you need to. You just have to remind yourself every once in a while that doing cartwheels in the backyard can be just as educational as homework. Give it a whirl!

Best Buddies

Caging the wild animals

Sometimes when we go out, we lock Bandit in the bathroom with the child gate. The other day when we got home, Max decided he didn't want Bandit to get out, he wanted to get in with him. So I indulged him. It didn't even occur once to me how nice this would be if he would do it while I cleaned....or cooked dinner....or took a nap....;)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

More birthday pix

Max's Finding Nemo Birthday

Yesterday we had a little party for Max with just a few of his friends for his birthday. The theme was Finding Nemo so Morgan and I set up all of his water toys out back and let the kids go wild. Between the swimming, eating, and pinata hitting, the time went by way too fast and Max cried when everyone left. But it was such a fun party, and Max had such a great birthday! By the end of the night, he was singing along to "Happy Birthday" and wanted to keep blowing out all of his candles. I can't believe he is already 2 years old! He loved opening presents all day and playing with all of his new toys. If we didn't have that extra "play room" I don't know what we would do with all of his stuff! I just have to keep putting things in his closet and bringing them out when he's in need of a toy! Thanks for all the calls we got from his aunts and cousins! You guys are cute and we are so sad that we can't have our usual family party together.
Another milestone we celebrated yesterday was, (drum roll please) Max told me he had to go to the bathroom and when I sat him on his potty, he peed! YAY! Then he did it again today! Granted, there have been accidents in between the two times he's said it, but YAY! I am so happy to see that in a very slow way, it's starting to pay off. So wish us luck over the next 6 weeks, hopefully things will just keep getting more consistent!