Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Weekend

We got a visit from Grammie and Papa Mathie (and Uncle Wodan) this Easter weekend and Max had a ball!! He loved following his Uncle around and getting presents from Grammie and Papa! They got him a new swimming pool and I couldn't get him out of it today! I wish they could have stayed long enough to see him enjoy it, but they had to head back to Utah. Max was so sad when they left and cried to go with them. If Morgan hadn't been there, he might be driving to Utah right now....ahhh...just kidding! But we had a great time, Easter dinner was fabulous, it's nice to have Grammie around to make all those yummy dishes! Thanks for everything guys, we hope you had as much fun as we did!! See you in Disneyland!:)


mk said...

Very cute pool. We miss you guys!

Norton Family said...

Fun! I'm glad you guys had a wonderful Easter. Way cool presents, if i was in AZ i wouldn't want to get out of the pool either!!!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

Love the pool! We are going to have to come and play in it.

Criscell said...

Cute blog, Lindsay! I'm glad I found it. Is it okay if I add you to my friend's list? Max is so handsome! I LOVE his pool!

Liz said...

i want to play in that pool when i come down next month!