Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Woody's hat?

Max lately has been OBSESSED with his Buzz and Woody dolls. He shares his food with them, gives them kisses, and tucks them in at night after making me and Morgan give them kisses. And for some reason, Max is obsessed with Woody's hat. I'm not sure if it's because in Toy Story 2 Woody loses it, or what, but Max has to make sure he's got it with him. It's so funny!
Anyways, the past few days have been kind of non eventful. Morgan is back at school full-time and then some so Max and I have to think of ways to keep busy. Poor kid is so sick of me I'm sure. Here are some random pix of the past few days. Hope everyone is having a great New Year!

Guess I didn't get the laundry folded fast enough....

Knocking down the couch fort....

Notice the hat he's wearing...


mk said...

HELLO WOODY!! What a cutie!! He is such a little blondie. We miss you!!

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

I love the woody hat! He is so cute.