Monday, December 10, 2007

Ward Christmas Party

Loves those babies!

We had such a good time at our ward party on Saturday! Our ward is so friendly and it's so nice meeting so many other young couples! There was a great dinner for everyone and after dinner, Max and Addie had fun playing in the nursery. Of course, Max found a baby doll and would not part with it for anything. He sure loves playing with "babies." Maybe he's trying to tell us something?? Then Santa came by for pictures and we got Max on his lap for about 2 seconds before he started crying. It's so funny how scared they are of that man! Maybe I should have explained more about Santa before just throwing him on his lap. I probably wouldn't like being shoved onto a strangers lap, either! But it was a great night and really got us into the holiday spirit!


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

I loved how he wouldn't let that baby go. I would really take that as a sign. :)
The crying with Santa is a crack up.

mk said...

We can't wait to see you!! CUTE pictures!!