Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve

Morgan and I thought we would start the New Year by letting Max sleep in his "big boy" bed. Keep your fingers crossed he makes it through the night without falling off!!! And Happy New Year's!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Ward Christmas Party

Loves those babies!

We had such a good time at our ward party on Saturday! Our ward is so friendly and it's so nice meeting so many other young couples! There was a great dinner for everyone and after dinner, Max and Addie had fun playing in the nursery. Of course, Max found a baby doll and would not part with it for anything. He sure loves playing with "babies." Maybe he's trying to tell us something?? Then Santa came by for pictures and we got Max on his lap for about 2 seconds before he started crying. It's so funny how scared they are of that man! Maybe I should have explained more about Santa before just throwing him on his lap. I probably wouldn't like being shoved onto a strangers lap, either! But it was a great night and really got us into the holiday spirit!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Eating Gingerbread Houses

Yea, and instead of being a good mom and saying something like "Get off the table, we don't eat sugar before breakfast," I was like "Hold it, hold it, let me get the camera!" Great parenting, huh? He is such a stink!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Making Gingerbread Houses

Last night we went over to Josh and Abbie's to make Gingerbread Houses. It was such a blast! Abbie had made all the gingerbread, frosting, and even cut all the gingerbread into house pieces. All we had to do was put them together and decorate! Some people got really creative (Uh, Jeff and Hilary's was VERY VERY colorful, Matt and Sarah's, well, I'm sure if you know them, you can only imagine) and even when Sean and Siri's fell apart, he fixed it to look like it was meant to have the roof cave in! I was totally impressed with everyone's decorating skills! Too bad Max was a big bully and we had to leave early. He sure loved playing with little baby Tienna, though. I think he's found himself a girlfriend!:) Thanks, Josh and Abbie, for hosting a way fun night!!

Front of house

Morgan wanted me to post a picture of the front of the house so, here you go.

Thanks, Gramma and Papa!

Thanks, mom, for the cute Thanksgiving package that we JUST GOT! Max loves all the books you sent and Morgan and I think he looks soooo cute in his new red vest. It must be magic because he was EXCELLENT in nursery today:)