Friday, November 30, 2007

Salon Haircut

Such a handsome boy!!

We finally took Max to a "real" salon to get his hair cut. Well, Fantastic Sams, which is pretty much just a step up from mom cutting it, but still. He was a little scared at first so Morgan sat down with him. Once he got his Pez candy he was good to go. He pretty much just sat and stared at himself in the mirror and after he was done he got a sucker and was pretty thrilled about that. He was dancing all around the place!! But he is such a cutie and I'm so glad his hair turned out so nicely. I guess we'll have to stick with the actual haircuts until "buzzing" time comes around in May!


mk said...


Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

SO CUTE!!! What a brave little guy.

Brooke Allison said...

What a cute boy. He is doing good for his first haircut.