Sunday, November 11, 2007

Back from Utah

We had such a good time in Utah but it is so nice to be home and back to my husband. Max and I missed Morgan a lot this trip and were excited to see him. We had fun in Utah, though, and will miss the cooler weather. Max is going to miss his cute little cousin Kate and favorite Uncle Logan. They sure had a good time together these past few days. He and Kate would just copy each other and it was so funny to watch.
Thanks, Becky and Mark, for all the rides and pick ups from the airport. I know it was a hassle and I appreciate it.
And of course, mom, thanks for buying all of the jammies Max could ever need! He loves his new "potty" book that you got him, too. Which reminds me, he actually did go potty in the toilet the other day. It was so funny, I just can't believe he's almost old enough to potty train!!
Anyways, off to pack. I probably won't post anything for a while, at least until we get settled.
Good luck with the baby, Lindsey! We hope he is a few days early, maybe over a weekend so you don't have to take early maternity! Good luck!!:)
And Happy Birthday Whit and Brooke!

1 comment:

mk said...

Arizona is WAY too far away. We love and miss you!! love/mom