Friday, November 30, 2007

Salon Haircut

Such a handsome boy!!

We finally took Max to a "real" salon to get his hair cut. Well, Fantastic Sams, which is pretty much just a step up from mom cutting it, but still. He was a little scared at first so Morgan sat down with him. Once he got his Pez candy he was good to go. He pretty much just sat and stared at himself in the mirror and after he was done he got a sucker and was pretty thrilled about that. He was dancing all around the place!! But he is such a cutie and I'm so glad his hair turned out so nicely. I guess we'll have to stick with the actual haircuts until "buzzing" time comes around in May!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

New house

Here are some pictures of our new house. I'm still feeling a little unsettled, but maybe once Morgan is back in school I can finally start focusing on getting things put away and hung up. It really is a great place, tons bigger and in a way nicer area. There is a pond a few blocks away and Max sure loves the ducks there! The weather has gotten better, too. It was only 72 degrees here today and we even had the heat on last night! We went to our new ward today and stayed for Sacrament. The ward seems really nice and we already know so many people there that we really felt welcome. Of course Max saw Jack Redd immediately and started yelling "Jack, Jack!!" That's going to be fun for him to have friends in the ward!
Unfortunately school starts tomorrow for Morgan. But I'm thinking that the next few weeks are going to fly, and soon we'll be up in Utah celebrating Christmas with everyone. I can't believe it's Max's 2nd Christmas already! He is getting so big and he is such a riot sometimes. He seems to have his finger permanently up his nose (hmmm...wonder what side of the family he got that from??) and claps when he finally gets what he's digging for. And his new favorite show is Toy Story. He goes around saying "Buzz" and "Woody." He sure likes the new house, too. He especially is loving sleeping in mom and dad's bed when he wakes up around 5 or 6 every morning. That is going to get halted as of tomorrow so we'll see how that goes!
I guess that's all for now!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
At first I was feeling really sad that we weren't going to be able to make it up to Utah for Thanksgiving, but I actually have really enjoyed spending every extra minute with my husband. Today was no exception. Morgan woke up really early and started working on the Turkey. Then he went on to prepare most of the food. The Redd's came over and brought some yummy food and we had a HUGE Thanksgiving dinner! The Redd's are always such a laugh and we have such a good time with them. There was tons of food and we just got to sit back, laugh, and eat while Max and Jack rough housed and played around. After they left, Max was yelling "Jack!" at the door. He was ready to leave with them! He definitely loves having friends over to his new house. And I definitely love our new place. It needs a lot of work, still tons of pictures to be put up and tons of cleaning (from moving in) but, it'll keep me busy for a while which is good because I'm going to be really sad when Morgan goes back to school. I'm hoping for some major visits in January to keep me from getting too sad! That's to you, Gramma and Papa Lewis, and to you, too, Grammie and Grandpa Mathie!:)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Assistant chef

Max is a great helper in the kitchen, he works as the dishwasher:) Yum yum!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Back from Utah

We had such a good time in Utah but it is so nice to be home and back to my husband. Max and I missed Morgan a lot this trip and were excited to see him. We had fun in Utah, though, and will miss the cooler weather. Max is going to miss his cute little cousin Kate and favorite Uncle Logan. They sure had a good time together these past few days. He and Kate would just copy each other and it was so funny to watch.
Thanks, Becky and Mark, for all the rides and pick ups from the airport. I know it was a hassle and I appreciate it.
And of course, mom, thanks for buying all of the jammies Max could ever need! He loves his new "potty" book that you got him, too. Which reminds me, he actually did go potty in the toilet the other day. It was so funny, I just can't believe he's almost old enough to potty train!!
Anyways, off to pack. I probably won't post anything for a while, at least until we get settled.
Good luck with the baby, Lindsey! We hope he is a few days early, maybe over a weekend so you don't have to take early maternity! Good luck!!:)
And Happy Birthday Whit and Brooke!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Fun in New York

I had such a blast in New York this past weekend! We got to do so much and see so much (and spend so much....)
The first day we went to the Empire State building and Macy's. The next day we did The Today Show (which Morgan saw me on!) and tons of shopping on Fifth. We took a carriage ride in Central Park and that was a hoot. That night we saw Mary Poppins which was amazing! Then on Saturday we went to the Museum of Modern Art and saw the George Seurat exhibit was incredible. Van Gogh's Starry Night was there and I loved seeing that again. After we went to Canal Street (yuck) and got some cool knock offs. Then down to Battery Park to see the Statue of Liberty. Then of course, the Law and Order Courthouse!! On Sunday we went to church at the Manhattan Temple and that really was a great experience. On our way to the airport we stopped at another L&O favorite, Grimaldi's Pizza where we had lunch. My favorite was probably Mary Poppins:)
I did love getting to spend some time with my sisters and mom. And although I missed Max (and Morgan) like CRAZY, it was nice having some time away to be a kid again myself. Thanks mom for taking us all on this awesome trip! I hope you had as much fun as we did!! LOVE YOU!
And thank you to the Mathie's for watching Max!! Sorry he was sick, I hope you can get the smell out of your couch! And Logan....:)