Friday, October 12, 2007

Quick "trip" up to Utah

Max and I just got back from our quick little jaunt up to Utah. I spent the week trying to help my mom out with my Grandparents. I don't know how she does all she does, she is superwoman. I want to tell Morgan's parents "thanks" because they helped out so much this last week with Max. He can sometimes be really difficult, especially when he misses his nap, so thanks to them for hanging out with him all day so I could stay at the hospital. I really appreciated it. Oh, and thanks for his cute new Columbia jacket! It's adorable!
Even though it was a really rough week, it was really good getting to see everyone and spending some time with my Grandpa and Grandma. Max got to see his cousin Ellie, whom he hasn't seen since last October. It was fun to see my cousins. Hope you guys had fun in Park City!! Max also saw his cousin Spencer, whom he hasn't seen since last Christmas! I was sad that we didn't get to see Tracie and Spencer more than we did, but I was glad for the time we got. Unfortunately Max didn't especially get along with his Cousin Kate this week. For some reason, we couldn't leave the two alone for 2 seconds, they kept fighting over toys.
It was good to see everyone, but I was definitely counting down the days to come home. We missed Morgan and the "easy" life. Oh, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but the weather was missed, too!! It made me appreciate the heat, driving around in that snow. Even if I was driving it in my mom's cool car. By the way, mom, thanks for letting me drive the "nice" car while you got stuck with the Honda:)
We're finally getting settled and hoping to get back into a routine, even if we are just heading back up in a few short weeks. Max has had a good week, and he's waking up from his nap now, so I will post more later!


Z Family said...

It was GREAT seeing you guys!! We left a little something for Max the next time you are in Utah.

mk said...

Thanks so much for all of your help. You did a great job. Your efforts were greatly appreciated. Thanks, as well, to the Mathies for helping out with Max. CUTE PICTURES!!