Sunday, October 14, 2007

First day of nursery

Max finally went to Junior Nursery today. Because of our trip to Utah and Conference, it's been a little bit postponed but he did pretty well, considering he had missed is nap. They told us he only cried for the first few minutes then was fine the rest of the time. Even though I'm just next door in Sr. nursery, I was still sad to see him go. Such a big boy now!! This is a picture of him and his cute dad before going to church.

Here are some pictures from after church. Max and I were playing with Bandit and Max was giving him loves, but also giving dad some mean looks. He is so funny with his expressions!


Redd family said...

Yeah Max! I wish Jack was such a trooper. It was kind of sad at first when he was big enough to go, but now I'm like "come on, figure it out buddy!"

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

I love the facial expressions. He i so cute.

mk said...


Jen and Buzz said...

Morgan, how funny that I found your blog. Your family is so cute, and Max is so handsome! I heard that you are in AZ going to school. I hope all is going well and good luck with everything.
Jen (Godfrey)