Friday, October 26, 2007

Halloween Party

We had such a great time at our Halloween pot luck/costume party tonight! Thanks to everyone for bringing such great food. And to Brooke, Sarah, and Jill, thanks for staying to help clean up. I hope everyone had as much fun as Morgan and I did!
I can't believe how awesome everyone's costumes were and how cute the kids were. I hope everyone got tons of great pictures! Obviously the most creative costume award goes to Matt and Sarah. Matt has been dying to get into those short shorts, I'm sure. Sean, Siri, and Addie and Abbie, Josh and Tienna all did a GREAT job coordinating family outfits. I thought they were all so cute! Dave and Luke Owen were such great Ute bball players, I loved that! And cute Jill and Kevin in their supermodel outfits, they totally pulled it off! And the Wilson kids in their cute scrubs, they were adorable! I can't believe that Kelly made those! They were awesome! And Mike and Heidi and cute little Jamie, it was so fun to see them again.
We had such a great time tonight, even though all we did was eat, chat, and take pictures. I always forget how even though you put so much time and effort into these things, they go by so fast and before I knew it, people were leaving and cleaning up! It was such a great night and definitely something I am glad we did before Max and I leave to Utah. Thanks again to everyone who came for making it such a fun party! And thanks to Emily for coming before to help me with some cooking and watching Max! You saved me!
Well, I guess I won't be posting anything until after finals. Hopefully the next posting will involve a change of address...:)

Luke's Birthday Party

Last weekend we went over to the Owen family's for Luke's first birthday Halloween Party. It was such a cute party! Max loved decorating the pumpkins and playing around with all the other cute little kids. It was such a cute party and lots of fun for everyone! Max went as Superman and as you can see, was DYING of heat. He was sweating, poor kid. He was EXHAUSTED when we got home. Just wanted to chill out on the couch. I need to do more things like that that just to wear him out! I think he's bored with just hanging out with mom all day. Makes me sad to realize he's growing up so fast!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Helping mom bake fudge

Stinker got marshmallow creme all over the house...

Boys will be boys

Max and Parker, what else can I say? They are adorable!

Max had some friends over to play a couple of days ago. They were rolling over the couches, climbing up onto the bookshelf, all sorts of naughty boy things. We had a great time and Max was really sad when they left. We need to have them over more!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

First day of nursery

Max finally went to Junior Nursery today. Because of our trip to Utah and Conference, it's been a little bit postponed but he did pretty well, considering he had missed is nap. They told us he only cried for the first few minutes then was fine the rest of the time. Even though I'm just next door in Sr. nursery, I was still sad to see him go. Such a big boy now!! This is a picture of him and his cute dad before going to church.

Here are some pictures from after church. Max and I were playing with Bandit and Max was giving him loves, but also giving dad some mean looks. He is so funny with his expressions!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Wild Wild West

A few weeks ago a couple of us girls took our kids to the Wild Wild West fair that the city put on. I forgot to put the pictures up, but here they are. Max had a blast riding the pony and the train and playing all over. Actually, he hated the pony, but liked the rest!!
Luckily we got there early because by the time we left, it was soooo packed! We had a ball, though! He fell asleep in the car within minutes of the drive home and took a great nap. I wish they had things like this going on more often around here!

Quick "trip" up to Utah

Max and I just got back from our quick little jaunt up to Utah. I spent the week trying to help my mom out with my Grandparents. I don't know how she does all she does, she is superwoman. I want to tell Morgan's parents "thanks" because they helped out so much this last week with Max. He can sometimes be really difficult, especially when he misses his nap, so thanks to them for hanging out with him all day so I could stay at the hospital. I really appreciated it. Oh, and thanks for his cute new Columbia jacket! It's adorable!
Even though it was a really rough week, it was really good getting to see everyone and spending some time with my Grandpa and Grandma. Max got to see his cousin Ellie, whom he hasn't seen since last October. It was fun to see my cousins. Hope you guys had fun in Park City!! Max also saw his cousin Spencer, whom he hasn't seen since last Christmas! I was sad that we didn't get to see Tracie and Spencer more than we did, but I was glad for the time we got. Unfortunately Max didn't especially get along with his Cousin Kate this week. For some reason, we couldn't leave the two alone for 2 seconds, they kept fighting over toys.
It was good to see everyone, but I was definitely counting down the days to come home. We missed Morgan and the "easy" life. Oh, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but the weather was missed, too!! It made me appreciate the heat, driving around in that snow. Even if I was driving it in my mom's cool car. By the way, mom, thanks for letting me drive the "nice" car while you got stuck with the Honda:)
We're finally getting settled and hoping to get back into a routine, even if we are just heading back up in a few short weeks. Max has had a good week, and he's waking up from his nap now, so I will post more later!