Friday, July 27, 2007

Morning at the Wildlife Zoo

The other day Max, Parker, Brooke, and I went to the Glendale Wildlife Zoo. It was really hot and humid but lots of fun. The cutest things were the little baby tigers. Max and Parker had fun playing on the playground but after a while we had to leave because it was getting too hot!! Who would have thought you could survive being outside more than 2 hours in Arizona without being in a pool?? I almost thought we wouldn't!!
Later we went to Brooke and Jason's neighborhood splash-pad and watched the boys play around. They are so funny to watch! They kind of just hang out and do their own things for a while, then start following each other around. It's been so fun having someone for Max his own age to play with!!

1 comment:

mk said...

They look A LOT ALIKE in that picure. So glad to see you having so much fun.