Sunday, July 29, 2007

Shootin' some hoops

Max FINALLY got his own basketball hoop! He LOVE LOVE LOVES his friend Parkers, so yesterday dad took him out to get one. As you can see, it's a little too big...but he is doing his "1, 2, 3, JUMP" and trying to make some shots. The funniest thing though happened this morning. Max AMAZINGLY slept from 8 p.m. - 7:30 a.m. (a FIRST but we LOVED it!) and I woke up to him yelling "Ooh! Ooh!" and when I opened the door, he was trying to reach his basketball! It was so cute, not to mention great that he woke up in such a good mood, which is rare. The hoop is great, it goes up to 6 feet and when it finally cools down we'll put it outside for him to play with.

Also, thank you Mathie's for our "new" dining room table! Morgan set it up today and it looks great!! He is finally starting to think we need to get some rugs around the's only taken a year of convincing on my part! I guess we need Grammie Mathie to come down and help us figure out what shapes, sizes, and colors we should get;) Just kidding. But thank you for the table, it fits in our "dining room" so much better!

Max and Parker having a "stay late"

Friday, July 27, 2007

Morning at the Wildlife Zoo

The other day Max, Parker, Brooke, and I went to the Glendale Wildlife Zoo. It was really hot and humid but lots of fun. The cutest things were the little baby tigers. Max and Parker had fun playing on the playground but after a while we had to leave because it was getting too hot!! Who would have thought you could survive being outside more than 2 hours in Arizona without being in a pool?? I almost thought we wouldn't!!
Later we went to Brooke and Jason's neighborhood splash-pad and watched the boys play around. They are so funny to watch! They kind of just hang out and do their own things for a while, then start following each other around. It's been so fun having someone for Max his own age to play with!!

Rainforest Cafe

Morgan and Max at the Rainforest Cafe, Downtown Disney

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Dinner at On the Border

Max really had fun trying out the chips and salsa the other night when we went out to dinner

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Thanks Brooke, Jason, and Parker

The other night Morgan took me to see Hairspray for my birthday and Brooke and Jason watched Max for us. It was so nice to go to a movie on our own!! We heard that Max and Parker had fun, too! Thanks again, guys for watching him!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Morning at Westgate

This morning we took Max down to the Westgate. It's where the Stadium is and they have all sorts of shops, places to eat, a theater, and a cute little splash pad. Max was a little hesitant at first, but once he saw others playing in it, he went right up to the water. He got splashed pretty good and had to be coaxed back in, but he was LOVING it and did not want to leave. He was pulling some of the funniest faces when the water would shoot up around him!! I wish we had wireless internet so we could download more pictures, but with dial-up, well, I don't have all night!!

Max has been doing great since we've gotten back from Utah. Only woke up once last night! YAY! We try to really wear him out during the day, but usually we end up just wearing ourselves out. Ah, the joys of parenthood!!

He did do something extra cute the other night. While I was reading him "Guess How Much I Love You" and when I read the part "I love you as high as I can reach!" part, he raised his hands above his head and kept doing it throughout the story. It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen! He really is starting to do a lot more copying and it is making me really watch what I say....

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Newport Trip

We had such a great time in Newport with Morgan's family this past week!! Max absoloutely loved the beach and of course, Disneyland. He got to ride the teacups, Kasey's train, The Haunted Mansion (which he tucked his head into my shoulder for most of), Dumbo, Monster's Inc., Peter Pan, Pirates, and the Jungle Cruise. He REALLY loved the Electrical Parade over at California Adventure. Poor Lindsey, Morgan's sister, couldn't go on most of the rides because she is pregnant so she got stuck with babysitting duty...thanks again, Linds! Next time, I'll watch the kids and you can go on all of the rides!

We had a lot of fun at the beach, too. Max is quite the beach baby! I didn't think he would like the sand too much, but he got his shovels right out and started throwing sand left and right. He sure loved following his Uncle Logan around, at least until Logan bit his finger. ;)

We also got to ride beach cruisers to Balboa one day and Max rode in a trailer behind Morgan. He was really chatty and seemed to like it, but of course fell asleep once we got to the shops!

Thanks, Mathie's, for the wonderful time!! Hopefully we'll see all of you again soon!

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