Sunday, July 01, 2007

Newport Trip

We had such a great time in Newport with Morgan's family this past week!! Max absoloutely loved the beach and of course, Disneyland. He got to ride the teacups, Kasey's train, The Haunted Mansion (which he tucked his head into my shoulder for most of), Dumbo, Monster's Inc., Peter Pan, Pirates, and the Jungle Cruise. He REALLY loved the Electrical Parade over at California Adventure. Poor Lindsey, Morgan's sister, couldn't go on most of the rides because she is pregnant so she got stuck with babysitting duty...thanks again, Linds! Next time, I'll watch the kids and you can go on all of the rides!

We had a lot of fun at the beach, too. Max is quite the beach baby! I didn't think he would like the sand too much, but he got his shovels right out and started throwing sand left and right. He sure loved following his Uncle Logan around, at least until Logan bit his finger. ;)

We also got to ride beach cruisers to Balboa one day and Max rode in a trailer behind Morgan. He was really chatty and seemed to like it, but of course fell asleep once we got to the shops!

Thanks, Mathie's, for the wonderful time!! Hopefully we'll see all of you again soon!

1 comment:

Brooke Allison said...

I cant believe how big max is looking. We are so excited to see you guys.