Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hanging out at Gramma's!

Max had fun playing at Gramma and Papa's while me and Morgan were in Lake Powell. Looks like he had a ball!! We sure missed him and were glad to get back to see him. He didn't want anything to do with me but went right to Morgan. Then when Gramma left to go to a wedding, he said "Gramma" and reached for her. I think he's punishing me for leaving him for a whole week. Or else he had too much fun and when he saw me thought "I guess the fun is over!"

1 comment:

Sean, Siri, Addie and Connor said...

At least he had fun. Addie has been the exact opposite. She won't let me out of her site. NEVER AGAIN is what she is thinking. We miss you guys. We need to get together.