Friday, May 11, 2007

Almost out of school!

Max and I have started counting down the days until Morgan is done with school. Finals week is next week and we are really looking forward to Morgan having some time off! (I'm sure he is, too!!) Max and I have been pool bunnies this week, we've gone swimming almost every day, whether at home or up at our friends pool in San Lagos. He is getting better at playing in the sand and walking around in the water. Today he was flipping sand up into his hair with a sand shovel and it was really fun washing it out. It took me FOREVER!! But he was adorable and his friend Parker was there and they are just so cute together. They are so lucky to be so close in age and be able to grow up together!

A few new things Max has started doing would be: Woofing when you ask him about dogs, signing "water", shaking his head and saying "no", saying "uh-oh", and riding Bandit like a horse. It's so fun to see him learn new things each week!! Each month he's more and more fun to be around and play with. I'm really looking forward to this summer when Morgan can spend more time with us and get to be with Max and see all of his fun developments!


mk said...


mk said...

WAY CUTE!!! (when I did it the first time it showed up as Jenn's????????)

mk said...

Way Cute!!! (keeps showing up as Jenn's???????)love/mom