Wahoo! Max slept from 8 o'clock last night until 6 o'clock this morning!! He didn't wake up ONCE!! And he did the cutest thing when he woke up! I went in to get him and he drank some milk and then got down on the ground and walked out of his room right to Morgan's office where he pushed the door open and went "Ugh?" He looked at me like "Where is he?" And I pointed to the bedroom so he walked down the hall and found Morgan in bed and was SO excited! I can't believe how much he loves his daddy!! It's adorable!!
Yeah!!! That is so great that he slept through the night! He is so dang cute and he totally pulled off those pink shorts- love it!
I am so happy to hear that Max slept through the night. The question is, did you?
Max, you are so dang cute!!
YAHHHHHH Max!! Love those pink shorts. Nice picture of Morgan.
I am SOOOO JEALOUS. Ellie has not slept through the night in months. In fact, she was up 5 times last night. Whats your secret??
Congrats!!! What a great feeling!! Peterson did it a couple of nights ago too. Here's to hoping it is a new trend.
YAY for Max!
love Grammie Mathie
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