Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Max slept through the night!!

Wahoo! Max slept from 8 o'clock last night until 6 o'clock this morning!! He didn't wake up ONCE!! And he did the cutest thing when he woke up! I went in to get him and he drank some milk and then got down on the ground and walked out of his room right to Morgan's office where he pushed the door open and went "Ugh?" He looked at me like "Where is he?" And I pointed to the bedroom so he walked down the hall and found Morgan in bed and was SO excited! I can't believe how much he loves his daddy!! It's adorable!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Sleepy guy

This is my adorable boy drinking his bottle before bed. He still isn't doing great at night (I've decided to just accept the fact that he will never sleep through the night;>) but he is weaned and completely on milk/toddler formula. I can't believe how hard it was for me to give up. He didn't like it either, but it was time and he is doing so well. He doesn't even want me at night anymore. When he wakes up, he prefers Morgan, which is nice for me but not so nice for him...

Grammie's visit

Playing with his new baseball set from Grammie and Grandpa Mathie

Just gimme a minute...I'll figure it out....

Friday, April 13, 2007

When the pool is too cold, we pretend in the laundry room

Isn't he funny? I went into the bedroom to get some laundry and when I came back, Max was sitting in his new pool toy, legs in the little holes and everything! He didn't want to get out, either, just wanted to sit and play. Better than him throwing all the clothes out of the laundry basket, I guess!!
And I think this last picture of him looks a little like his cousin Spencer! CUTE CUTE CUTE!

Let my people go!!

Playing outside

His hat is a little too small...

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter everyone!

Max had such a fun weekend! We went to Morgan's school on Saturday and he got to meet the Easter Bunny for the first time, which didn't go over so well...Max cried so I had to sit with him for the picture. Then when we tried to get a picture with Morgan, he wouldn't keep his head straight, he kept looking around for the Easter bunny!!

Then on Sunday Max opened his Easter basket from me and Morgan. REALLY likes Pez candies and his new Elmo DVD!!

After church we went over to our friends house for an Easter dinner. We had an Easter egg hunt in the backyard which was fun. The kids were really cute and fun to watch. Parker and Max just kind of sat and the bigger kids, Jack and Addie, decided to help them out with collecting eggs. It was so much fun! Then Brooke and Jason had an Easter egg hunt for the couples so we scavenged around the house for our easter eggs! It was something we'll always remember!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Last night the husbands had to study late for their Friday morning test (this weekend Morgan has to study for a test on Monday, then after that one he has one next Friday, then another one a week from Monday. That means some major late nights over the next few weeks!) so the girls got together for dinner. Here are some pictures of Max and Parker playing around and watching the "big kids" outside in the backyard. It was so funny to watch them, they wanted to go outside so badly but it was a definite no because they still eat the rocks!! Max and Parker are really starting to get along and it's cute to watch them walk around together, hand things to each other, and take things from each other. Looks like their going to be good buddies!!

Also, here are some pictures of Max playing with his new birthday present from the Mathie's. He mostly likes to gather his shoes up and put them on top like their cars or he likes to stand on it and yell until I help him down. Such a funny boy!
Thanks, Mathie's, for the Easter book and bunny! Max loves it!! It's an adorable story!
We are going to have an Easter Dinner at our friends this weekend so I'll post some of the pictures from that when we get them. Happy Easter everyone!!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Swimming with friends

On Monday we were invited to go swimming with some ward friends. We got there a little late so Max was pretty much the last one in the pool, but he prefers it that way:) It was so much fun!! It's great now that he can actually be invovled in things like that!!
Also, Max had his 1 year doctor appt. today. He is 21 lbs. (no weight gain since his last appt. which they say is normal since he started walking then), which is 35th percentile, 30.5 inches tall, which is 75th percentile, and his head is in the 55th percentile. So, tall and skinny with a big head? No, he's perfect and we love him!!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Max's FIRST Birthday!!

Yesterday was Max's 1st birthday! We all got up and opened his great presents from his Grandpa and Grammie Mathie and Aunt and Uncles. He LOVES to stand on his new little people garage and has only fallen once so far. He loves to wack his new baseball toy and carries the bat around the house....which makes Bandit a little nervous. Then he went down for an early nap and woke up to MORE presents from me and Morgan (note: not a good idea to do presents during conference, kinda defeats the purpose....). We got him a mini piano, a Cars ball, some books, a couple of bath toys and sand toys, and a new Baby Einstein DVD which he LOVES! It's the new signing video and it's really cute. Then we had lunch and he went down for another nap and Morgan and I got his party ready. All of his (our) friends came over around 5 and we had a little birthday dinner and watched a DVD of all of the pictures of Max over the past year. His friends, although they weren't supposed to, brought lots of great gifts and he is loving every one of them. They were all very impressed with his walking and ball handling "skills." He was a little shy and cranky late in the evening, due to a little diaper rash and too much partying. He didn't get any cake which was sad but he was definitely not interested. Maybe next year he'll be more understanding of what a treat cake is?! I'll just have to teach him the joy of eating sweets;) Anyways, thanks to everyone for all your gifts! He is definitely one spoiled kid but we love him so much and can't believe it's already been a year since he was born. It makes me want another one, but you all know Morgan! That won't be happening any time soon.

Hope you all enjoy the pictures!! We have a lot going on this week so I will be sure to post more as soon I can. Happy April Fool's Day, by the way!