Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Trip to Salt Lake

While Morgan was getting ready for and taking his finals, Max and I took a trip up to snowy Salt Lake. Thanks so much to everyone for all your help. Grandpa and Grammie Mathie did a lot of babysitting (that was much appreciated!!) and Popa and Gramma Lewis did a LOT of hosting and entertaining. His "1st" birthday was a huge success and it was a lot of fun!! I can't wait until he REALLY turns one and we can celebrate down here with all of his "buddies!" My favorite part of the trip had to be spending so much time with Jenn and baby Kate. Max and Kate sure loved playing together and it was fun to see them encourage each other to walk and try other new things. Max now shakes his head like Kathryn and it's fun to see him copying her. Oh, he did learn how to give "5's" while we were up there and he still likes doing those!! I'll post some of our Newport trip later this week. Thanks again to all our family for the good time we had!


mk said...

We had so much fun having you. What a treat to see that cute little guy every morning. We miss you!! So glad you had fun in Newport. Love/mom

Darger Party of 3 said...

Great cake. Congrats to Max and Morgan. We sure miss ya!
