Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Trip to Salt Lake

While Morgan was getting ready for and taking his finals, Max and I took a trip up to snowy Salt Lake. Thanks so much to everyone for all your help. Grandpa and Grammie Mathie did a lot of babysitting (that was much appreciated!!) and Popa and Gramma Lewis did a LOT of hosting and entertaining. His "1st" birthday was a huge success and it was a lot of fun!! I can't wait until he REALLY turns one and we can celebrate down here with all of his "buddies!" My favorite part of the trip had to be spending so much time with Jenn and baby Kate. Max and Kate sure loved playing together and it was fun to see them encourage each other to walk and try other new things. Max now shakes his head like Kathryn and it's fun to see him copying her. Oh, he did learn how to give "5's" while we were up there and he still likes doing those!! I'll post some of our Newport trip later this week. Thanks again to all our family for the good time we had!

Morgan's Birthday

Poor Morgan just had to study all day and didn't really get to celebrate. We had dinner at our friends and had cake and ice cream but then he had to get back to studying for the rest of the night. It was sad enough that he turned 27, but studying all night? Now he's a poor, OLD med student!:)

Friday, February 09, 2007

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Monday, February 05, 2007

New Pictures

These are Max's first superbowl party (with his friends Parker and Jack), first time at the park, and then of him horsing around with his toy box.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Drinking from a cup AND walking...

Big week this week! First of all, Max has decided that he is no longer going to drink from his sippy cups when regular cups are around. He throws his cup over the edge and reaches for my cup. He especially loves loves loves my nalgene bottle and when it's around, he won't stop until he gets a sip!
Second of all, Max is WALKING!! He just needed the proper motivation: my cell phone. Yesterday during the day he took 4 steps a few times then when Morgan came home, he walked over 8 steps!! And today during the superbowl party at our friends house he did it again! Everybody loved him and it was the best time.
We're hoping to go swimming this week and go to the zoo so we'll post some pictures again soon.