Sunday, February 04, 2007

Drinking from a cup AND walking...

Big week this week! First of all, Max has decided that he is no longer going to drink from his sippy cups when regular cups are around. He throws his cup over the edge and reaches for my cup. He especially loves loves loves my nalgene bottle and when it's around, he won't stop until he gets a sip!
Second of all, Max is WALKING!! He just needed the proper motivation: my cell phone. Yesterday during the day he took 4 steps a few times then when Morgan came home, he walked over 8 steps!! And today during the superbowl party at our friends house he did it again! Everybody loved him and it was the best time.
We're hoping to go swimming this week and go to the zoo so we'll post some pictures again soon.

1 comment:

mk said...

What a cute mommy you are. Max is a doll! He is blessed to have such great parents!