Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Max has finally done it

Max has finally finished my phone off. That little stink sucked on it on the airplane up to Salt Lake and now it is officially dead. We are up here in Salt Lake and I have no way of calling anyone because I can't get any numbers off of my phone!! So, if anybody gets a second and wants to see us, I'm staying at my parents and their phone number is 801-451-6057 and just leave a message if no one answers. I'm so sorry to all of you that I said I'd call when I got up here!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Salt Lake

Max and I are so excited to be coming up to Salt Lake this weekend!! We hope we get to see a lot of friends and do a lot of things before we have to come back home.
It's been a good week for us down here. We went to the park last night with some friends from the ward. The park had a little play area with a fountain, a lot like the gateway. Max did not like playing in it but it was fun to get out and get to know the other couples in the ward.
Max got measured and weighed yesterday: 18.3 lbs. and 26 inches. Looks like he has passed his cousin Kathryn in weight, now to catch up in length...
Today we went looking for a new dryer because ours broke on Monday. Morgan spent a few hours working on it, but I think that because it's so old, there's no hope. That and it puts rust stains on all of my clothes so I'm pushing for a new one;) Max still doesn't like shopping much, but I'm really working on him. He's doing SOO much better in his car seat and that is a huge relief.
Morgan went with us to the store last night and got a taste of what it's like to get out with Max. Everywhere we go we get stopped at least 2 times to hear how handsome he is and we love it. Of course as his parents we know how cute he is, but it's so fun to hear people babble on and on about him. He loves the attention, too. Those are the times I need to remember when he's crying at 3:30 a.m. I guess!
Well we had better get packing! I'll post some more pictures when we get back from our trip.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Problems with dial up???

For some reason I can't work on this website from home, only at the library. I'm going to have to start doing updates only once a week. I have some great pictures and I'll get them loaded soon!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What a weekend!!

This past weekend was so much fun! Gramma and Aunt Jenn came down to visit (and of course cousin Kate!) and stayed for a few days. We had so much fun! Kathryn is so big and was crawling all over Max!
We swam a bit the first day, then spent half a day at IKEA where Gramma went crazy buying things for our new house. Then we hit the mall up the street where she went crazy buying new things for me. I love when she visits;)
The cousins sure had fun getting to know each other again. They liked to look at each other and try to figure out who the other one was. They both learned about "sharing" toys. It was really fun watching them try to take each others toys. Kathryn is such a doll and Jenn is such a cute mom.
On Sunday we all went to church and it was fun to introduce them to our ward. It sure is different than Utah!!
Sunday night was out last night together and it was hard so we made it a bit easier with some cake from the Cheesecake Factory;) I'm glad they got home safe and already miss them like crazy. We're hoping for a trip up to Utah in the next couple of weeks!!!
PS. I'm trying to download pictures, but we have dial up now and it's being really weird...I'll post some as soon as I figure it out...