Wednesday, August 09, 2006

We made it! We are finally getting settled into our new house and are still overwhelmed with how much we have to do!! We have had a great time so far and are getting anxious for Morgan to start school. Max and I are going to have a big adjustment not having Morgan around and I'm sure Morgan is going to be sad not to see Max as much as he does now. Maybe he'll start reading the blog on breaks at school to keep updated, too!! Just kidding! Anyways, Monday we started Max on some rice cereal and he loved it!! He has it twice a day and is always yelling for more! No change in his sleeping though, maybe when he is 10 or 11 he'll start sleeping through the night? I'll keep my fingers crossed!!


mk said...

Give it a week. I bet you notice some changes by next week in his sleep. :)

Anonymous said...

Does it make him more jolly?
I'm sure that it does. Like father, like son!

Anonymous said...

Max so cutie! Is that your pool Morgan and Max are in? So fun to hear that you made it and are getting need to post pictures of the inside of your place; I bet it is super cute!