Monday, August 14, 2006

Unfortunately wee are still working on's never ending!! So is the laundry and the cleaning and the dishes.....
But, we are taking advantage of the pool. Max likes to eat the floating rafts rather than lay on them but I guess we'll let him do it if it stops the screaming!! He has started teething, swollen gums and all. That is quite the treat for me and Morgan! Poor little guy, can't seem to get settled for his naps yet. Still working hard at keeping him down, though. He might be a tad bit spoiled...;) He is getting so tall and oh!! I forgot! He is rolling over! Tummy to back and back to tummy!! No more laying on the couch or bed!! He is such a big boy I can't believe it. When we see everyone next he'll probably be crawling. (Maybe not, seeing as how it took him this long to roll over!)
We are still doing good and miss everyone like crazy. I can't believe Morgan starts school in a week..luckily he has some friends to get him through.
Well, I'll try and post some more later this week with more pictures of Max. He is so adorable and we need to capture more of his fun moments. It's going by so fast already. Before we know it, the 4 years will be done and we'll be back in Salt Lake!!

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