Thursday, August 31, 2006

Master bedroom (messy) and bathroom

Morgan's office, guest bathroom, and living room

Max's room


Our House

Here are a few pictures of our place. We haven't completely got it set up the way I want, but I am slowly changing things more and more (mostly as Morgan gets busier so he doesn't notice and make me change it back!)
We are having a great time! Max is getting his naps in, usually about 3 a day, about 3 hours all together. He is always awake by 7, but usually by 6:30 to see Morgan go off. I know Morgan loves to get to have a little time with him before he goes off to school. He's really nervous about school but is really focused so I'm sure he'll do great.
Max and I have been having such a good time together! He likes to sit in his saucer after Morgan leaves and watches me do my aerobics. Then we have been practicing his sitting up on his own and his scooting. I will put a toy just out of his reach and put my hands behind his feet to help him push off. He's really quite active and flails his arms and legs all over!! Then we fight each other for a nap and he sleeps for about 45-60 mins. while I clean up and shower. Then we have lunch and watch a baby einstein and sometimes run an errand or two. Then he goes back down for a nap around 1 and this one he is usally really good about taking. He is reaching now and sometimes I will hold him in our chair and he reaches for the crib. He's adorable and really lets us know what he wants and what he doesn't want... I wonder where he gets that??
Then when he wakes up we play around and chase Bandit, and get dinner ready for Morgan. Morgan gets home around 4-6 every day and usually plays with Max before I put him down for his late afternoon nap. Morgan and I get to eat before he wakes up again and after his nap, we go for a swim and take a bath. He is really into reading at night so we read a couple of stories and let him hold the books. He loves it!! Maybe he'll love reading like his mom?
My family is coming down this weekend and we're going to go do all sorts of touristy things and I will post more pictures next week.
Thanks everyone for your love and support! We miss you all!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Things are starting to finally come together down here! Morgan started school this week, Max has slept 2 4-hour stretch nights (YAY!) and I am finding my way around without getting too lost! I promise to post some pictures of our house in the next week, I just want to wait until after I get things completely put away....;)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Aren't I just a handsome fellow??

Monday, August 14, 2006

Unfortunately wee are still working on's never ending!! So is the laundry and the cleaning and the dishes.....
But, we are taking advantage of the pool. Max likes to eat the floating rafts rather than lay on them but I guess we'll let him do it if it stops the screaming!! He has started teething, swollen gums and all. That is quite the treat for me and Morgan! Poor little guy, can't seem to get settled for his naps yet. Still working hard at keeping him down, though. He might be a tad bit spoiled...;) He is getting so tall and oh!! I forgot! He is rolling over! Tummy to back and back to tummy!! No more laying on the couch or bed!! He is such a big boy I can't believe it. When we see everyone next he'll probably be crawling. (Maybe not, seeing as how it took him this long to roll over!)
We are still doing good and miss everyone like crazy. I can't believe Morgan starts school in a week..luckily he has some friends to get him through.
Well, I'll try and post some more later this week with more pictures of Max. He is so adorable and we need to capture more of his fun moments. It's going by so fast already. Before we know it, the 4 years will be done and we'll be back in Salt Lake!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

We made it! We are finally getting settled into our new house and are still overwhelmed with how much we have to do!! We have had a great time so far and are getting anxious for Morgan to start school. Max and I are going to have a big adjustment not having Morgan around and I'm sure Morgan is going to be sad not to see Max as much as he does now. Maybe he'll start reading the blog on breaks at school to keep updated, too!! Just kidding! Anyways, Monday we started Max on some rice cereal and he loved it!! He has it twice a day and is always yelling for more! No change in his sleeping though, maybe when he is 10 or 11 he'll start sleeping through the night? I'll keep my fingers crossed!!