Thursday, August 22, 2013

Big second grader!! Can't believe how excited we are for this year and this boy...he's off to a great start! Great teacher, lots of friends in his class, and soccer season has started. This is one happy camper! (although this picture was taken before 7 a.m.)
My little girl, all grown up and ready for preschool! The first 2 days went off without a hitch but, now that the excitement is gone, she is not as excited about going. I've already had to start the "incentive" program. If she goes x amount of days, we go for ice cream. Win win for both of us:) I also had to include a picture of her hair...she is now thrilled when I do it and makes requests for certain styles. Makes my life so much easier!! Really missing our mornings, though.


mk said...

I have the world's cutest grand kids! Hair is gorgeous!

Liz said...

Cute kids. I can't believe they're so big!