Tuesday, May 28, 2013

When Morgan's got a weekend off

Of course we had to hit the Star Wars weekend at Disney World...always a favorite! Morgan had the system down and we got to meet so many new characters! The highlight of the weekend was getting to spend it with our good friends...Max and London love having their little buddies around to play with and show off to.

We also hit the beach this weekend with some more great friends...life couldn't be sweeter!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Always fun when Mathie's come!

We were so lucky to have Morgan's parents come down this past weekend! We headed to Orlando for some major Disney World time and had a blast showing them how we rock compared to Disneyland. We showed them Belle's castle, the new Fantasyland, and London said her favorite of all was riding Peter Pan with them after we saw the Rapunzel area. We had a wonderful time and the kids were so sad when they left. Thanks for the wonderful visit and the great memories!!
They got here just in time to see Max perform in his Math's Magic Show!!
He loved showing his grandparents off!
Of course we visited the Happiest Place on Earth! London and Max were in the picture but London promptly fell off the wall.
William quickly fell for Grandpa's charm!
Guess where this is?? Ok, I really don't remember, somewhere at Disney World...
I'm thinking it was somewhere we ate...?
London LOVED going with Grammie on all the rides!
Ah! Belle's castle for lunch! We got to eat in the West Wing where William cried every time the lightning struck.
To say Will loves Mickey is an understatement...he LUH-HUVES Mickey!

Gangs all here!
Move, London, he's all mine!
Waiting to see Mickey...this is the face he got when he saw who we were meeting...
Wrap me up, Mickey, I'm all yours!
Happy Mother's day! Brunch at the J.W. Marriott courtesy of Papa Mark...THANK YOU!!
Beautiful Grammie, Happy Mother's day! We are so lucky to have you as a mother, grandmother, and friend! Loved having you here to share this special day, thanks for all you do!!
Swimming at long leaf pool broke up our days at Disney World. Of course it was freezing.
Finished their trip with a Hollywood Studios day.
Queens of Heart (and Max...our jester)
Giving the Will some loves...he IS irresistible!
Thanks for the visit, we love you guys!