Thursday, February 21, 2013

Happy Birthday, hotty husband of mine!

And how can I forget this?? Morgan had his big 3-3 last which he got to work the whole night before. Poor guy. But we got to celebrate the weekend before with a movie and dinner. Without kids. Pretty epic. I love this guy more with every birthday he has...gray hairs and all. Happy Birthday, babe!

Animal Kingdom...we brought our own wild animals!

Who knew that President's Day was one of the busiest times of the year at Animal Kingdom? We did, but we went anyways. My friend Brittany and I use any excuse we can to get down to Costco and Nordstrom Rack, even if it means we have to go to Disneyworld for most of the day. Ok, I actually think she really likes Disneyworld. As for me, I still love how the kids get a kick out of all the animals and fossil digging they do at this place...and how wiped out they are afterwards. It was perfect weather and the kids loved having each other to run around with. These kids...what are they going to do when we don't go to Disneyworld every other weekend?? They are in for a rude awakening once this residency is over, that's for sure!

Spring Festival at school

We had a great time at Max's Spring Fling or Winter Wonderland or whatever the name was. You'd think I'd know what it was called considering I helped with it, but no. I cannot for the life of me tell you what it was called. Anyways, I didn't get a lot of pictures because I was at a booth helping and so I missed London and Max scaling the bounce house walls, going down the slides, playing all the games, and doing the cake walk. But they had fun and that's all that mattered. The best part of the day was that Morgan could be there and see Max with all of his friends and be at his school. Plus now people I associate with on a daily basis actually believe I have a husband:)

Monday, February 04, 2013

My friends we got trouble

And he goes by the name of William. If he isn't in the dog food, he's on the table. If he's not on the table, he's outside pulling my herbs. If he's not pulling my herbs, he's in the toilet. If he's not in the toilet, he's pulling pots and pans out of the cupboards. It is a full-time job keeping up with this kid! And London is teaching him new tricks by the day, so I'm sure the worst is yet to come...lucky for them they are so stinkin' cute!
The only thing I can distract him with is the old Disneyland Sing Along that Max watched everyday. Gives me enough time to hide the toilet brushes and dog food he's managed to get out and play with. Again.

Friday, February 01, 2013

What we spent our month doing

Playing with some old friends in Orlando...
Enjoying the amazing weather...
Disneyworld trips...of course
And lots and lots of basketball...