Friday, January 04, 2013

Will's big day

William started out the big day with some spots and a doctor visit. Which came back inconclusive. So, we are thinking 1 of several things: 1. allergic reaction to almond milk 2. flare up of impetigo 3. virus (code for who knows?) So, after we decided that he was feeling well enough for his party (and wasn't contagious), we headed to the park with his Mickey Mouse cupcakes and cake (which Max and London were devastated he wouldn't be sharing with them)and met up with some friends to celebrate. Then we headed home for his favorite dinner, meatballs after which we opened presents. Thanks, Mathie's, for all the wonderful gifts! They are getting lots of loving, that's for sure!! Between the 3 of them, I don't think all the toys ever get a break:)
A few of our favorites about William: He goes around the house saying "uh oh". When he walks he looks like a zombie. When he gets caught doing something naughty, he just grins and runs. When he gets tired and flops on the ground and does the sign for "milk". His open mouth kisses...yum. His laugh when he gets thrown on the bed. We love our little chunky man!!