Wednesday, October 10, 2012

If Morgan is around, I usually can get some pictures. Since Morgan hasn't been around the past 2 weeks, here are some random goings on around the house... London getting ready for church. Isn't she fabulous?
Lots of sleepovers in front room
Will likes the Pioneer Woman, too:)
I came home from a meeting this week and this is how I found them. Will and London got a nap before Morgan went to work at 7:30 p.m. What a fun night for me, two well-rested kids that woke up at 8 p.m. ready for a party.
Bandito is still alive and well. We think. We sure love this dog!
I have some more pictures on my other camera...I just need to find it...


mk said...

So Cute. Love late naps!

Liz said...

So much sleeping! Poor Bandit. Hahah he looks so tired. What cute pictures!!

Norton Family said...

london looks JUST like you!! especially the makeup shot. :) so stinkin' adorable!