Saturday, April 28, 2012

major weekend update

Sir William getting some tummy time...I love this shot!
Yes, Bandit is still around...and yes he still thinks he's the king.
Giving Dad some love....and slobber kisses. Will is so good at slobber kisses!
CUTEST.SOCCER.PLAYER.EVER. Go Lightening! Lightning? I don't know how to spell their team name...I should be fired.
I don't know what happened?
Ok, I did it.
Max and London came booking it around the corner like this last night. They were both laughing hysterically and luckily when London fell off, she landed on the couch. This was a re-enactment...
Roasting 'mallows is a favorite, even though no one likes to eat them but me!
Will's first taste of cereal...liked the cereal but not sure what to think of the crazies standing over him...


mk said...

He is getting SO GROWN UP!! So adorable. He looks like he is going to love that cereal!!

Liz said...

london is getting so tall! they're all so cute!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Oh It's poo!!! We've got to get out of here!! Funny William. Love it all!