Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall Festival

We had such a fun (and full!) weekend! We had Morgan all weekend so we took advantage of all the exciting things going on around town. Saturday morning we went to a BBQ hosted by the head of his department and the kids were on cloud 9 running from pool to basketball court to playroom to swingset. After dragging them away kicking and screaming, we headed over to Max's school for the annual Fall Festival. There was a cake walk, bounce houses, obstacle courses, hair painting, bean bag tosses, and lots and lots of sugar. Needless to say, the kids were out the next day with runny noses (courtesy of swimming in their underwear at the BBQ I'm guessing...) and little head colds. Hope they recover quick because the next 2 weeks are going to be twice as bad!! We can't wait!

Eating sugar from a tube...

Max loved seeing his teacher, Ms. Anderson..made it all worth it!

Getting ready for some pink...which she won't let me wash out.

Getting loves waiting in line for the bouncey slide

Just bouncin' around!


mk said...

SO ADORABLE!! Did she get pink in her hair?? I want to do that!1 Weird, huh?

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

Looks like a lot of fun! Can't wait to see your Halloween pictures next...hope they are Spooky!
Very funny about scaring it!!