Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Busy busy busy

We've been keeping busy this week painting, cleaning, organizing, London starting preschool, and Max starting soccer. And it's only Wednesday.

London's first day of "preschool". She and 3 of her cute little friends get together a few times a week for lessons and fun. I felt little tugs at my heart when I walked her over but, she was so excited it's hard to be sad! She LOVED getting to sit around and do "homework" like Max! Why does she have to get big, too??!!

Max got worked at his first soccer practice! All the kids were bigger than him but that didn't stop him from jumping in and pushing his way around to get the ball. My little rock star!!

Seriously, the other kids were HUGE!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Uncle Liz and Aunt Josh

Despite all the hurricane threats and warnings, Liz and Josh braved the storm and came down to visit us in Orlando anyways. We were so happy they did! The weather turned out to be fine -we missed out on the beach, but Orlando was actually even breezy! And I don't think they even got a true rainstorm!
We got to meet them for a day of Disneyworld and then another day of swimming and downtown Disney. Thanks, Liz and Josh for the all the fun! Hopefully we'll be seeing you in Newport next:)

Disneyworld! Liz and Josh were sooo nice to play with the kids and accomodate us on all the kiddie rides. Lucky for them we took off early and they got to be big kids for a while:) I don't know where she got the Disney gene, but Liz somehow loves it and they closed the place down...crazy!

Swimming at their hotel...thanks for letting us crash overnight!! Sorry I wasn't much fun...stupid cold!

Downtown Disney -London had to pose with all the lego statues...she kept saying "Take my picture, mom" or "I want a picture with them, mom". How could I resist? Especially since she's soooo smiley....

We ate at the Rainforest Cafe (sponsored by my little sister, so so embarrassing but so sweet of them!)London wouldn't look at our waiter, who tried so hard to win her over but could never get her to even look at him. Even in the family photo he took she wouldn't look up. She had to be pretty smitten, though, because he wrote her a little love note on a napkin (that said BYE with a smiley face) and she could NOT stop looking at it. She even rolled it up special-like and put it in my purse. She is going to be trouble!

And since we their flight home was so early, I decided to take the kids to Animal Kingdom. With the heat index at 107 and my cold in full force, we only lasted about 3 1/2 hours, but it ended up being plenty for us all. Bye Orlando! We won't be seeing you anytime soon!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

My little kindergartener

Started out by waking my baby up at 6:45 to get ready for school. Weeping when I made his lunch. Held it together until we dropped him off and lost it when London started getting teary eyed. Had a good cry then. Got to school early for pick-up and looked in on his class...he was dancing and playing with his group and couldn't have looked happier. I asked what he did and all he could talk about was his group tour of all the classrooms and all the different pets he got to see. He was definitely impressed! Can't wait to go back:) Have yet to bring up his homework with him....we'll see how that goes...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

One last hurrah

Spent Max's last weekend before school down in Orlando...hit Blizzard Beach then Disneyworld. Luckily for us the weather was pretty tolerable and the lines were short. The kids loved meeting some new characters and going on ride after ride. The favorite of the day had to be the teacups. London could have gone on those all day. Max loved feeling like the one in charge because he picked all the rides himself. Excited to head down again this week...see you soon, Disney!

Ms. Smee and Max watching the show at the castle...

We waited a half an hour in the rain to meet these guys...luckily their magic carpet made itself through the thunderstorms!

Waiting for Tinkerbell and her friends...

Tink herself!

Snow White herself!

Max's favorite of the day!

London's favorite ride of all!! Max was too old apparently...

The mean step-sisters were actually the friendliest ones! They were super funny and cute with the kids.

Such posers!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

London's first hair cut...sniff sniff

Max got a "before school haircut " by our friend Bree the other day and London insisted she get one, too. Bree just shaped her hair a little but it seemed like so much to me! It looks fabulous of course and London knows just how to rock those goldilocks!

Of course I didn't even SAVE any of her first haircut hair, so a picture will have to suffice. More sanitary anyways....who knows what bugs in Florida like to eat hair...but I don't want to find out.

Up and running again!

We are finally recovered (if you can say that) and back to our normal lives after our great trip to Utah. Our computer has been out of commission as well as the internet so, I'm glad to be finally checking "Update Blog" off of my list. Enjoy:)

Started our trip with a firework show put on by Aunt Liz and Uncle kids adore these guys! And sweet kids did NOT adore her...until the day we got back to Florida and they wanted her again. Go figure.

Going to Lagoon for the first time....such a hit! The kids LOVED running from ride to ride....and after every ride, London would throw her hands up and say "That was AWESOME!" She was a trooper! Max loved getting to hang out with all of his cousins, he adores them. London and Stefan were even a little, uh, exclusive, by the end of the night...Thanks Gramma!!

Many trips to all the was so nice to be outside for a change!! They loved the duck pond at Barnes Park and also the Castle Park by Davis...of course I didn't take many pictures because, I'll admit it, I was just too dang lazy.

Sleepover and visit to Grammie and Papa Mark's. London got ahold of the camera for some of these shots...she's pretty good!! Max is still talking about the sleepover outside in the tent with Papa and London blesses Anna every night in our prayers. They sure love you guys!

Papa Bill's Birthday Bash at Woodland Park. Why didn't we always do this?? Brooke and Jeff coordinated a great campfire and the kids loved playing in the creek, roasting hot dogs, making s'mores, and chasing each other around everywhere. It was especially great talking about Bill and how he influenced all of us. We sure miss and love you, Papa Bill.

Helping Gramma with watering plants...and Maddie. That Maddie dog, she is a handful but I am so grateful Gramma has her. Papa Bill knew what he was doing, even though we thought he was crazy getting a puppy!

And for our last night, dinner at Kesley and Todd's...amazing! Their house was so fun to see and sooo beautiful! Thanks for the yummy dinner and great time!
And we ended our trip with a day at Typhoon Lagoon...good way to get the kids back on track and sleeping on Florida time. Now if only they would sleep through the night!!