Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hard to let go

As hard as I'm trying to fight it, life has been moving on, albeit very slowly. I miss my dad still so much that even thinking about the week he died instantly brings tears to my eyes. Father's day will never be the same. California trips will never be the same. Trips home will never be the same. None of us will ever be the same. There are so many hard things dealing with his loss, but the hardest so far for me has been knowing what we're going to be missing out on as time goes on. No more Papa Bill horsey rides, no more Papa Bill holding our newborns, no more calls to Papa Bill asking him questions I know only he'll have the answers to. I still sometimes will hear a song on the radio and pick up my phone to call him and talk to him about it. I miss hearing "What in the world, Lindsay girl!?"
So yes, life is moving on, whether I want it to or not. And the distractions are just that: distractions. I always go to bed with a pit in my stomach...thinking about him and my mom. But I know that he is fine, I know he would just tell us to "keep the faith." He always wrote that in his notes and I know he means it. I know I need to show more faith in my Heavenly Father and trust he'll get us all through, that no good man is taken before his time.
I'm grateful for friends who have done amazing things for me, from showing up to support me at my dad's funeral to coming home to a fridge full of food, to just being an ear to listen or shoulder to cry on. I have been looked after in so many ways, I can't even begin to thank everyone enough. I'm grateful for the love that's been shown to my mom, especially since I can't physically be with her when I know it's the hardest.
But like Bill says, we gotta just keep the faith. We'll keep tryin' Papa Bill. But just remember, no one is as patient as you;)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We always love to have family come visit!

We were lucky enough to have Morgan's family come and visit a few weekends ago and boy, did we pack a lot in! We took them around Gainesville (a whole day event!), hit Clearwater Beach down in Tampa, and of course, went to Disneyworld! Lindsey, Whit, and Maggie had an SMA conference in Orlando and we tagged along. We stayed at a beautiful hotel which had a shuttle that took us to any park we wanted with 20 minutes notice. It was awesome! We hit every park, got every autograph (London's favorite was Rapunzel, Flynn Ryder, and Pocahonna), and the kids got every toy imaginable...thanks for the amazing trip, you guys! We loved seeing you and getting to do so much fun stuff together! Maybe next time we'll have to do it in April, though...;)

Aunt Lindsey never tired of entertaining my kids...I was soooo grateful for that!

Uncle Whit helping the kids make a sand turtle at the beach

Sweet little Maggie trying to stay out of the sun and heat, isn't she adorable?!

Animal Kingdom

Magic Kingdom