Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rain rain go away

Obviously the kids love when it rains here...

I guess it's just me missing my Arizona sunshine...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Working on some projects

A few weeks ago Morgan took on the enormous task of repainting our bathroom. I didn't even have a before shot...just imagine 1992..wallpaper with matching valances and all. Here is his finished project:

I love it! The color turned out just exactly like we wanted. I think Morgan enjoyed doing it actually...

...because it was quickly followed with "Project Girlify London's Room"

And the results...

I am in LOVE with her room now. I just want to sit in it and have tea parties and play dolls and dress ups. It has made such a difference. When I walk by it, it just puts a smile on my face. Oh, and I think London likes it, too;) Thank you husband, for making your wife sublimely happy!! I have just a few more finishing touches and things to hang, and phew. 2 rooms down, 4 to go!

Of course, I got the painting bug, so I redid the kids bathroom pure and simple white. It just looks so clean and fresh, I LOVE it! (Plus there was free white paint left over in the garage) Now 3 rooms to go...

By the way, it was an icky light tan to begin with. Way icky.