Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Eve
The day was spent making gingerbread houses....

spreading reindeer dust...

(yea, London is eating the oats and sprinkles....leave it to her to taste test it!)

and enjoying the company of good friends!

Christmas Day
One of my favorites! Max and London were SO EXCITED to wake up and find their bikes left by Santa. Of course we had to wait until the sun came out to take them for a spin, but we kept busy opening many many more presents! Thanks to all the grandparents for the wonderful gifts! The kids loved every single one of their toys but I think the best thing for them was getting to visit with you all on the webcam and show it all off. Merry Christmas everyone!!

Opening some stockings...

Winner of the day: Singing trout from McDonald's

London loves her diamond fishing game

Max opening "Operation Buzz" game....he and Morgan got to play this a lot Christmas day...I gave up when Max kept beating me and Morgan wouldn't let me cheat.

Wouldn't get off their bikes til we let them out...


Thanks to Uncle Taylor, we all got our hair done with London's new hair dresser kit. Lots and lots of fun with that!

London and Max love to wrestle in their new bounce house from Gramma and Poppa Bill!

And her new fridge game has already taught her the ABC's...thanks mom!

London absolutely loved all of her baby toys from Grammie and Papa Mark...makes all 4 babies go through everything at least once! I kind of feel sorry for them.

Monday, December 20, 2010

And from these guy, too!

I LOVE matching jams!

Merry Christmas!

Bandit enjoying a nap by the fire
(and some alone time away from Miss London)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Max's School Christmas Program

Max had his school Christmas program today and it was so stinkin' cute! His class sang the "ABC's of Christmas" and Max was the "T is for Treats!" and he sang so loud! My video cam wasn't working so I had to capture video on my camera and for some reason I'm having trouble loading it...it's worth watching if I ever get it loaded! Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Temple Square vs. Gainesville Lights

Gainesville lights: Hot chocolate, good friends, FREEZING weather.

Temple Square: Family, nativity scene, FREEZING weather!

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Trip to Utah

We went up to Utah a few weeks ago to attend the funeral of our sweet nephew, Jonas. He's such a sweetheart and we all miss him so much. Max still prays for him every night and I know he will always be in all of our thoughts. Morgan and I have taken the opportunity to talk to Max about the gospel and how when we pass on, Jesus is the first one to welcome us home. He knows that Jesus was there for Jonas and was glad Jonas had a friend to "jump on the trampoline" with now that he can do all of the things he couldn't do here. We love and miss you so much, Jono-man. But we are so grateful we got to be a part of your life and so grateful we get to be with you again.