Monday, November 15, 2010

Not much going on here...

Pumpkin Carving
Well obviously these are overdo...I forgot they were on my camera! It was fun having Morgan home for a minute to carve out a super scary cat!!

Fort Building
I need Aunt Liz out here to help me work on my fort-building skills! The kids actually liked this one ok. Except for the meltdowns when London would knock the blankets down just to get Max mad...

Primary Program
If I could have taken pictures in the chapel I would have. I wonder what people would have done? Max did great, said his lines without any help, even. He said "I love to serve like Jesus by helping my mom with London" or something to that effect. Too bad he was so naughty in his seat up on the stand...I almost went up and sat by him so he'd sit still!! But he sure looked cute, thanks for the cute vest and London's dress, Gramma!