Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Birthday, little London!!

The day started off with a Princess Tea Party for Miss London and Miss Sophia

After London's super long nap, we all got to watch her open presents! She LOVED her mermaid from Max, and her grocery cart from Grammie and Papa, and her kitchen from mom and dad!

After the customary Chick-fil-a birthday dinner, London dug into her cake...I think she liked it:)

Happy Birthday, little sis! We are so lucky to have you and we love every exciting minute!!
(By the way, she ended up completely obliterating her cake by smashing it all into tiny crumbs and squishing them inbetween her fingers. That's my girl!)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

School Halloween Party and Trick or Treating

Max's school put on a little party today which included cookie decorating, trick or treating around the village, and pumpkin carving. From what I could tell, it was a hit!
Afterwards, I had a few kids over to our house for a little lunch and some games. Mostly I thought they would just want to wear their costumes a bit longer. I was right! Max loved getting to stay in his Iron Man costume all day and didn't take it off until dinner. That kid and his costumes!

Max and his teacher, Miss Susan (sad I didn't get one with him and Miss Melissa!)

Max and some super hero buddies!

Aren't these girls adorable?? No wonder Max chases them all over the playground!

Lining up for the trick or treating to begin...where's London??

Peek a boo! She wanted to be around Max every second!

Suckers! I didn't even say "trick or treat" and they gave me candy anyways! j/k, he didn't say that...but doesn't it look like he's thinking something like that?!?

Max and Ella comparing loot...

The after-party at our house:) These kids are adorable and I'm so glad Max has such good friends in his class!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Ward Trunk or Treat

We had our first Gainesville 3rd Ward Trunk or Treat tonight! Max loved running around with all of the other costumed kids of course, while London spent most of the night being shy with a sucker shoved in her mouth. Morgan had to work and we definitely missed him. Maybe next year? We won't count on it;) Poor London was exhausted and wanted to leave before the Trunk or Treating even started but we held out for Max. He didn't want to leave but was so nice to go so I could get London down to bed. He really is so good to me and her! (I'm sure it helped that it was severely hot outside and getting into an air conditioned car was worth going home.) More festivities and pictures to come....
Happy Halloween, everyone!!

Iron Man and Miss Kitty

London and her Tinkerbell friend, Sophia

I can't believe there aren't more kids in this picture, there were a gazillion there tonight!!

Iron Man Max and Darth Vader Marik

Saturday, October 16, 2010

We just got back from the most AMAZING vacation in Hilton Head, South Carolina. We met up with my parents and sister and her family and stayed at a beautiful Condo right in Shelter Cove. It was such a beautiful area, there was so much to do and see, we wish we could have stayed another week at least. It definitely jumped to the top of our list of favorite places to vacation. Thanks, mom and dad for the awesome week! We miss you already!!!

Around the house
The condo was BEAUTIFUL and very spacious. Lucky for Max and London their cousin Spencer brought plenty of toys to share!!:) Max and London LOVED the stairs and I even showed the kids how to make the most of their sleeping bags on them...that was a great trick! When we left, Max asked if we could pack the bunkbeds to take home. He and London loved sharing a bedroom all week.

Down by docks
These docks were across the street from where we stayed and they were fun to explore. The bridge went straight to the Disneyland Resort which of course we ventured over to. You know Morgan... anyways, the picture of Max and that Neptune guy is actually a sun dial that really works. As Max would say: "Impresssssive!"

Mini Golf
We went miniature golfing at this little place by our condo and it was all pirate themed out. The kids got so excited finding skeleton pirates all over and listening to the cool pirate music. Max and Spencer even got a hole in one! The island had all sorts of cool family-themed activity centers like this one, one more reason I loved it so much...very family-friendly!

Coligny Beach
We got to visit 2 different beaches during the week, my favorite was Coligny Beach. It was awesome, with changing rooms, a splash park out front (which was nice for the kids to get the sand off afterwards) and a lot of mini waves. The kids LOVED getting buried by Morgan, as well as hitting the waves on their boogie boards! London was a champ and would fall asleep in a chair. I can't imagine anything more relaxing then sleeping on a lounge chair at the beach on a beautiful day...

Palmetto Beach
This was a great beach, too! Lots of crabs to dig for and lots of fun waves. My mom conveniently forgot her swimming suit but still got wet and sandy with the kids...they loved it!!

Dolphin tour
The last day of our trip we headed out on a dolphin tour. It was a beautiful boat ride and while we only saw a few dolphins (very pretty!) Morgan and I were definitely more interested in the beautiful homes we saw along the way. Maybe one day...yea right!

Lighthouse in Harbor Town
This was one of my favorite outings. For my mom's birthday we headed down here to see the Lighthouse. Which I got to climb to the top of in my boots. Awesome. Anyways, the area was full of shops, a huge park for the kids, and lots of beautiful scenery. I loved that they had little red rocking chairs all over so you could sit and watch boats come in. We had dinner for my mom's birthday right on the water and it was beautiful. Happy Birthday, mom!!!

Mom's Birthday
Speaking of, here is my mom eating the Piggly Wiggly cake we got her. Didn't even have that much frosting but oh well. I LOVED going out looking for fabric stores all morning and having lunch with just us girls. Hope you had a wonderful birthday, mom!!

London's "Birthday"
Ok, so really just cupcakes and the song, but it was worth a try. She sure made a mess with that cupcake...but I was too tired and grossed out to take pictures of the after picture. Why is she so messy???!!

This was definitely the highlight of the trip for me, besides being with family of course. I LOVED sitting on the trolley and learning all about historic Savannah. The streets were so quaint and beautiful, the homes amazing. One of the many paint colors was called "Haint Green" because it "haint" blue and it "haint" green. Riverstreet was adorable, too, with all the shops and boats. One lady sat on a bench and made flowers out of leaves and gave London one for free. At the end of the day, we got to eat at Paula Deen's restaurant for dinner and was it ever tasty! They did the cutest thing to open dinner service, but I'm not going to spoil it for any of you that are planning to go. Just know, it's super worth getting in to eat the food!! We couldn't get enough!