Saturday, July 31, 2010

My gratitude list

I try not to complain, really. But the past few weeks have been a tad bit rough on our little family, and anyone that dares call me, sadly, gets an earful. In efforts to get me to stop complaining, my all-too-wise sister recommended I come up with a gratitude after days of considering, here are 10 things I am grateful for...and in no particular order:
10. The squirrels that run around our backyard. Any time Max starts arguing with me or London starts yelling, I just shout "Squirrel!" (yes, like on the movie "Up"). Distracts them every single time.
9. My feet not being filthy all the time...I still don't understand why they were always so black in AZ??
8. London dancing in the kitchen until she falls over.
7. My moms texts just checking in on me.
6. 1 running car...I'd prefer 2, but I'll take the 1.
5. Really nice girls in Gainesville that are beyond friendly.
4. Phone calls from old friends.
3. Morgan trying to catch a frog to impress Max. What a good dad.
2. Karl Rove's 500 page book that gives me an excuse to sit in the bath and read every night. With jets that now work! (Again, grateful for Morgan!)
1. A pool a few houses away. I don't know how we'd fill our days without it.

So fine. I do have a lot of things to be happy about, and I know it. It's just hard to pull out of that moving funk. I guess I'm not as adaptable as I thought. Or maybe just spoiled from AZ. But, I'm in the Sunshine State for crying out loud! Best be getting my sunglasses on, my diet coke out, and enjoying it while we're here. After all, if time flies like it did for Med school, it'll be over before I know it.


hilary said...

i think i need to make a gratitude list as well... i needed to read this post. thanks linds. it is hard to get out of the moving funk! cute pictures of your yard and front of your house. looks beautiful!

mk said...

You are such a TOUGH COOKIE!!