Sunday, May 30, 2010

May in a nutshell

We just got back from our month-long stay in Utah. Yes, it really was a month. And if it was any indication of what it's like to live in Utah, I'm not sure there's enough caffeine in the world...
From day 1 we were on the go. And here's the proof:

Trip to the Museum

We had so much fun going to the History Museum up at the U with my sisters and their kids. They LOVED digging for fossils

Playing at Grammie and Papa Mark's

Always lots of fun playing with everyone at the Mathie's!

Playing at Gramma Pickle and Papa Bill's house

I love watching my kids play where I grew up. I used to walk up that hill all the time to meet my friends. Brings back tons of memories for me.

Celebrating Mother's Day at Grand America

Bill took all of his "ladies" out to Grand America to celebrate Mother's day. It was fun to get together with everyone, though next time we're going to Little America!

Liz's Graduation

Congratulations, little sis! We are so proud of you for what you've done! And Whit, sorry I didn't get pix of your graduation, but we're so proud of you, too!!

Spencer's Birthday Party at Classic

Classic is always a hit. My favorite part was watching Gramma climb up and slide down the big bounce house! And of course, wasting Tracie on the razor race we had around the rink!

Jonah and Stefan's Birthday Party

Max still can't stop talking about his cousins and their rad zipline!

Arica and Taylor's Wedding

The wedding was beautiful and we're so excited to have Arica be part of the family. (and a major thanks to her adorable brother and sisters who played with my kids the ENTIRE day. Max and London LOVED all the attention!)


Ah. I still cringe when I think that it's over. Thanks to Morgan and my parents for watching the kids while we spent a very relaxing 8 days in Hawaii. This trip was amazing and I can't wait for the next 4 years to fly by so we can head back...