Friday, April 30, 2010

One last dinner at our place

This last week my brother came down and I used it as an excuse to get everyone together for one last dinner. If I post more than that, I'll start bawling, and I've had enough of that this week. So, for now, let's just say it's been a great 4 years:)

The boys: Jason, Morgan, Matt, Sean, Kevin, and Jeff

The girls: Miss Extravagant (Siri), me, Miss Flawless Girl (Brooke), Miss New mommy (Hilary), and Miss Socialite (Sarah) (not pictured: Jill, Miss Graduate!)I love these girls!

The kiddos: Ella, London, Max, Connor, Addie, Jack (holding Charlotte), Parker, and Hunter

Max and London (now you see why we keep the binkie in her mouth...)

And there's the binkie

Hmmm..I wonder where they went??

That pool is fun for about 10 mins....

Max expressing how the adults are all feeling at this point

Yea, thanks for the dinner and the run, Jeff. Can't wait for a "re-run" in Utah. Man, I'm outta shape!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Nothing new to report

All we do is play, pack, and pass out. Then wake up and do it again.

Thursday, April 08, 2010


Yes, that's right. Our ward had a playgroup at Krispy Kreme's!
Because London usually naps around the time our Ward has playgroup, I don't go. (You wouldn't either if your child took 3 hour naps!) But since I recommended the place (thank you Brooke!), I felt like I should go (thanks, Alicia, for setting it up!) London just sat on my hip the whole time while Max ran around like a crazy man. He was totally excited to play with all of his ward buddies outside of church. He love love LOVES the girls and was totally showing off for them. I guess I'm going to have to make it to playgroup more least for the next 3 weeks...oh sad.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

It's always fun when grandpa (and gramma!) comes!

My parents came down this past weekend for a much needed vacation. We LOVED having them! London right away became Gramma's girl and Max LOVED the batcave they got him. We enjoyed some shopping, sunning, and rest. I hope they had as much fun as we did! Thanks for visiting!:)

Happy Easter!

We really lucked out this Easter weekend with beautiful weather and my parents in town. The kids started with an Easter egg hunt at Midwestern on Saturday (of which there are no pictures because photographer mom was getting a pedicure!) and then we had our own Easter egg hunt on Sunday morning. Max loved all of his hidden presents and as usual, was done looking before all the eggs were found. London wasn't interested at all in finding eggs, just throwing them on the ground and shoveling the candy into her mouth as fast as possible. That's my girl! We filled the rest of the day with easter egg dying, conference, naps, duck/turtle feeding, and of course, an excellent Easter meal. Now on to the packing!

Looking for Easter Eggs

Coloring Easter Eggs

Afternoon stroll to feed the turtles and go to the park

Round 2

Max got ANOTHER party on Friday and got to invite all of his friends. It was a huge hit and thanks again Siri for lending us your giant water slide! The kids had a ball!

Friday, April 02, 2010

Happy Birthday Maximus!

We started out with present opening and a super big and yummy breakfast!

Next came the long awaited (and much anticipated) Star Wars Party!
The first test the Young Padawans faced was using the "force" to give Yoda his light saber...they were rewarded with their Jedi robes...

The second test was using the force to find their lightsabers in the scary (and dark) DeathStar...

Then they were trained in the ways of the lightsaber...

After which they completed their third test, destroy the deathstar!

Their fourth test involved decorating bags and a Galactic Treasure Hunt...

Then the final test...DEFEATING DARTH VADER!

Which was followed with very special Padawan Pizza and Yoda Soda for our brave Jedi Knights!

And of course cupcakes and presents!

May the 4th be with you!

The fun didn't end there, either! Gramma and Papa Bill came down for a much needed vacation and they brought a batman cake all the way from Farmington...yum! They took Max present shopping and he got a batcave that he has been wanting for ages. Max got his traditional Chik-fil-a birthday dinner and passed out on the couch watching Princess and the Frog. All in all, I think his birthday was a success! I can't believe my little guy is 4 (seriously, I put 3 candles on his cupcakes to blow out!) and am so proud of him. He is getting big so fast, I am amazed how the time has flown.
So, happy birthday to my little tenderheart. We love you!!