Tuesday, December 29, 2009

We had a wonderful Christmas up in Utah. And although it was extremely cold, we loved getting to spend time with all of our family. Thanks, everyone, for making our Christmas so great! We love and miss you!

Santa comes to Arizona a little early

Max leaving cookies and root beer for Santa

London eating Santa's cookies Christmas day

London loved opening all of her presents!

Max's new helmut for his Razor scooter!

We celebrated Christmas a few days early this year before heading up to Utah. Max loved his new razor scooter the best and I have to say London's favorite was probably her Princess Tea set. Of course Max was more concerned with putting all of the toys away and packing for Utah. The rest of the mock Christmas day was spent packing the kids and getting ready for our trip....more to come.

Note to grandparents: Last year Max took all morning to open his presents, this year it took about 15 minutes. When we were done he looked around and asked "Where are the rest?" I guess last year he was a little spoiled with the gifts from you guys...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thanks, Gramma Lewis!

Here are Max and London showing off their new outfits from Gramma Lewis. LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!! Thanks, mom!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Naughty little London

If there is ever a quiet moment in our house, it's usually followed with the phrase, "NAUGHTY, LONDON!" She is then removed from pushing buttons on the computer, hiding behind the Christmas tree, emptying cupboards, playing in the toilet (caught as I was updating the blog), playing in my makeup drawer, making a mess of my workout stuff, playing in Bandit's dog food, or climbing on the treadmill.

And whenever she gets caught, she gives us this little smile...yea, hard to get after her when she looks so sweet, huh?

Making (but mostly eating) sugar cookies

Ward Christmas Party

Clearly we were too busy dealing with the kids to take any pictures...