Sunday, November 01, 2009


It has been a BUSY week! We had major Halloween Spirit at our house, here are some pix from the last few days:

Pumpkin carving with dad

Trunk or Treat at the Ward. They had tons of fun things like a Haunted obstacle course, a cake walk, fishing for prizes, and trunk or treating. Max loved it!
The highlight for me had to be the Bishop's son dressed as Perry the Platypus and the Bishop going around saying "Where's Perry?" It was SO funny!

And of course, Trick or Treating around the neighborhood!

We also went to Morgan's school for some Office Trick or Treating and fun activites they had set up. Unfortunately we forgot the camera...
The funniest thing though, the Dean gave out Apples and even though Max had a bucket FULL of candy, all he wanted was the apple! That's my boy!


mk said...

Pictures SO SO cute. Priceless!!! So adorable kids!

Whit, Lindsey, Jonas, and Maggie said...

That is hilarious..makes you wish you would have thought of that.."where's perry". Love the second costumes! I'm all about that. Jonas got called Robin Hood, funny huh and that he fits in it just as good as Max! Miss you guys!

Liz said...

way cute!! i'm disappointed that you didn't get any pictures of perry though...