Thursday, August 27, 2009

Singing to his own tune

Every time I would look at him, he would stop, so I rigged the camera in the chair and turned my back

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back from Utah

While I forgot my camera, I'll never forget all the fun we had this past (almost) month up in Utah. Here are a few memories of our trip (in no particular order):
-Max and Kate prancing around as Batman and Tinkerbell....note the no pants under Kate's tinker costume
-London taking her first steps...and last as far as she is concerned
-Visiting Ida up in Brigham...So good to remember
-Trip to the zoo with Jonas...Thanks for all the fun activities, Lindsey!
-Days spent at the pool where I learned to swim...Max is pretty fearless now!
-Cake wedges from Dick's bakery washed down with Coke's from Pace's
-Watching a Cary Grant movie every night...he is so dreamy!
-Bill FINALLY getting a little better at the end of our trip...that was a HUGE blessing!
-Finishing (finally!) London's quilt my mom and I started back in January..LOVE IT!
-Max and Kate's sleepovers...holding hands in bed
-Brooke taking Max for an ENTIRE day and night. Still can't get over him having his first sleepover...I was a bit of a nervous wreck...But Brooke, you are a life saver!! Thanks again and again!
-London getting her first 2 teeth...that she likes to bite Max with
-Visiting the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point with our sweet little cousin, Jonas. It was REALLY busy but a ton of fun!
-Dinner with Liz and Josh...great little hosts
-Classic with Addie and Jack...need one of those in AZ for SURE
-Potato Bug hunts...EVERY day
-No hot more to say on that.
-Max sleeping over with his Grammie and Papa Mark...always a hit!
-Gramma and Papa Bill driving us halfway home so it wouldn't be such a bad drive for me...thanks you guys!
-And of course, Happiest Millionaire! Where are those darn alligators, Gramma?!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Work in progress....

Will post some more tonight, babe!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What I love about our president...the blame game

I hope putting this on my website doesn't get me on the white house list;)
Seriously though, is this for real? Is he really blaming people's problems with healthcare on doctors? I am REALLY looking forward to the next election. . .