Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2 month check-up

London had her 2 month check up today, complete with icky shots. Her stats are great, 50% for weight and 75% for height. We love our little sis!
p.s. Thanks Aunt Tracie for the cute jammies and blanket! We love them:)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas in Arizona

It was a little different spending Christmas without hours in the car and lots of snow but hey, 65 degree weather is a change I can live with. It was so fun to be together and not have the stress of traveling. We spent Christmas eve reading stories, building a gingerbread house, making and eating a yummy Christmas dinner, and watching Christmas movies. Max and Morgan left cookies and a note for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. First thing Christmas morning Max came into bed with us and waited for London to wake up. When she did, we all journeyed out into the living room where we spent 2 hours opening presents from Santa, each other, grandparents, and cousins. (The scooter was the first thing he saw and he was reluctant to open any presents after that. Kind of like, what's the point? I got what I want.)
Max of course was spoiled rotten by his grandparents. Thanks, Gramma and Papa Lewis for his rad new scooter and all of the games and activities! BINGO is a big hit around here! And thank you Grammie and Papa Mark for the truck and play dough. That play dough has kept him occupied all weekend! And of course, thank you everyone for London's Christmas gifts! She got some good stuff and I can't wait for her to be able to enjoy it:)
We sure missed seeing everyone and were of course a little homesick. It helps to know that we will be up in a few weeks and can see everyone then. Christmas just isn't the same without the Great Tree, bowling, and lots of family.


A few days before Christmas we took a little trip over to California for a quick Disneyland fix. Morgan, er, I mean Max was in heaven going back and forth between Disneyland and California Adventure.
Disneyland was all set up for the holiday season. It was really fun to see all the Christmas decorations and even the Christmas parade. They even had an area designated for Santa and his reindeer. Max sat on Santa's lap and even told him that he wanted a scooter for Christmas. So adorable.
It rained pretty good the first day but we stuck it out. Max got a new Lightning McQueen rain poncho and didn't want to take it off the whole trip. He thought he was a "Superhero". Could not have been cuter.
We also got to see the Zundels for a quick bite at Ruby's and that was so fun! Max loved imitating Ellie and it was fun seeing them play together. Next time we'll definitely take Ellie with us for her first time at Disneyland.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Recent pix

No rhyme or reason, just some random pictures of my cute kids this past week. Her eyes are blue, by the way. They are really dark so that's why they always look brown in pictures.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Making a gingerbread train with dad

The two were WAY more interested in eating the frosting and candy than decorating with it.

Another cute church outfit

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Off to church

We didn't make it through the entire 3 hours...more like an hour and a half. And half of that time was in the mother's lounge...maybe next week we'll get a full 2 hours?!