Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lots of fun in Utah

Hanging out with the boys

Roasting marshmallows over a "campfire"

Playing with dad at the park

Eating dinner at the park for FHE with Gramma and Papa Bill

Hanging out at Gateway

Meeting Alex and Felicia, and their kids, Olivia (my new girlfriend) and her baby brother, Lincoln

Fun at the Fair

While we were up in Utah, my Grammie and Papa Mathie took me to the Fair. I had so much fun seeing and petting all of the animals, picking apples, and of course, eating all the yummy food! Dad took me on a gigantic slide and I didn't even mind that too much. I was kind of onery the entire night, but only when Logan wasn't pushing me in the stroller. My favorite part of the night had to be when I got to pet the little horsey. He was cute and I did not want to leave him. Of course, I didn't want to ride him, either. I'm too little. Maybe next time...
Thanks for the fun time at the fair, Grammie and Papa!

Let me tell you 'bout my best friend

I sure miss hanging out with my awesome cousin Kate. Mornings just aren't the same without her. I really miss seeing her mischievous little face bounding upstairs every morning. I also miss her dancing to The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse songs. That was always funny to watch!
Every day was so much fun, watching cartoons with her over breakfast, wrestling and running outside, playing Gramma's piano (loudly), and causing all sorts of trouble together. Kate is a great older cousin and liked to help me with everything I did, well, at least watch me to make sure I did things right. I miss her so much and hope she comes for a visit to my house really soon!! Love you, Kate!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dates to remember

Here are some important things coming up that I'm sure none of you will want to miss!
September 26: foreign policy sit down debate
October 7: town hall debate
October 15: domestic policy and economic policy debate
Tuesday November 4: Election date!

Of course the election date would be my due date. With Max, my water broke hours before my much needed hair appointment. I have no doubt she will make it a challenge to get to the polls. Apparently my children just want me to know right from the start where my priorities should be.
But on a side note, if Sarah Palin can get back to work 3 days after giving birth, I guess I have no excuse:)