Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sign the Petition

For those of you who don't know, Morgan and I have a little nephew with a genetic disorder called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). There is a petition going around for signatures to get Congress involved in funding more research to help cure this disorder. Here is the link:
If you could all just take a minute to sign the petition, it would really be appreciated. We love our little Jonas and want to make sure that he gets all the help he can. If you want to read any more on this genetic disorder, head to their website:
Thanks for your support!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Trip to Newport

We just got back from the best 2 week trip ever! We spent the first week with Morgan's family and then my family came down and we just did a house swap for the last week. We got to go to Disneyland 4 times (at least 1 time too many, even for Max), the beach, and loads of shopping for our little addition coming this fall. It was so fun getting to relax and spend some time with family, I can't believe it went by so fast!
The week we were with the Mathie's, we got tons of beach time in, 2 trips to Disneyland, went and saw Kung Fu Panda (Max's fav new movie) and of course, major shopping. It was fun to get to spend time with Max's cousin, Jonas, and by the end of the week, Max was tickling his toes and always looking for him. Jonas is such a sweetheart and I can't believe all of the things he and his mom and dad have to go through. They are great parents and Jonas is a very lucky little boy.
Of course Max loved getting to spend time with Uncle Wodan and he even finally warmed up to Uncle Taylor and his cute girlfriend, Erica. The funniest part of the week had to be when I walked into the bathroom when Max was going potty and he screamed at me "Stuff to think about!" and continued yelling it (loud enough for the people in the alleys to hear) for about 5 minutes until he was finished. Apparently he needed some privacy.
After the Mathie's left, we met up with my family down the street. Max loved getting to know his cousins and there definitely wasn't a dull moment! We had 6 families with 9 kids running around and somehow Max managed a nap every day. It was fun getting to see my cousin Brandon, and his wife Nicole and cute little Ellie. I wish we could have gotten to spend more time with them! But it was so great to see them and maybe one day we'll live close enough to visit a lot more frequently?!
The last week in Newport, we went to Disneyland 2 MORE times, had lots of beach time, runs on the boardwalk, and because I'm married to Morgan, more shopping:)
My favorite part of the week though, had to be the mornings my sisters and mom and I all were up before the rest of the family and we got to sit on the ocean, sipping our diet cokes, watching the mist clear and just getting to talk. I never felt bad about missing my morning run when I got to do that.
It makes it really hard to live so far away from family when you have such a great time together. I really miss my sisters and was so glad we got to see each other. They are such good friends and I hope one day we can all live close.
Thanks A TON to the Mathie's and my parents for the sweet trips! We love getting to see you guys and had such a great time! Thanks for all you guys do for us!
That was pretty much the short version of our awesome trip, but I'm sure it's too long as it is. Enjoy the pix!